Friday, February 21, 2014

A Year and A Half In Review

Beginning Anew: The Last Year and a Half of My Life

                                Hello everyone, it definitely has been a long time since my last blog posting; I guess I did not have enough fun without being able to harass people without blogging.  In the spirit of the times, just like any bad actor turned television star; I am going to attempt a comeback in a new light.  In order for this endeavor to work I am going to need to adopt some serious changes to my writing style.  Since my intended changes have nothing to do with aesthetics it looks like I am going to have to drop my actor analogies at this point.


                                After reading this far if you still have not the slightest clue as to what the heck I am talking about then you will be able to really grip the essence of my writing problem.  In the past, I would attempt to place my aphorisms within the framework of my blog in a manner which was not always conducive to understanding the lesser and greater themes at hand.  Thankfully, I was aware of this problem early on thanks to comments of family and friends; nonetheless, I found it difficult to alleviate these problems without undergoing a major writing makeover.


                                In an attempt to deliver a better final product I am going to begin writing in a more clear, concise, and direct manner; however, like which is the case with almost all great impediments, I find that I personally am the greatest obstacle in my way towards reaching my goals.  Since I actually like thinking deeply and introspectively regarding a myriad of topics, I feel that attempting to cut back on the scope of these ideas would be a disservice to me and you. Therefore, I am going to attempt to write a thematic blog instead of the longer and more encompassing journalistic style which included events, observations, opinions, and many other digressions. 


                                I guess at this point in my writing career I can say that I now have some empathy for the ancient Greek, Herodotus.  Since his writing on the Persian wars literally created the genre of historical writing it seems that we should at least pay homage to the man for posterities sake; nonetheless, his critics tend to pick him apart since his writing style included many digressions, reads similar to an epic poem, and did not maintain the accuracy which current historians deem essential to the scientific method of analysis.


                                Obviously this comparison is not a perfect foil to my writing style since I am neither writing about history nor trying to make my blog read similar to that of an epic poem.  Nevertheless, at times I indeed do find myself trying to write in a way which will make my audience more enthused regarding my topics; I know that the topics are not always inherently interesting to some readers.  This latter point was the one I had in mind when I wanted to directly connect my writing identity crisis to that of Herodotus since he is famous for digressing off of topic.  In the end, I guess it is hard to create empathy for a person who died over two-thousand years ago.


                                Having solved this riddle I now feel free to fill you in briefly on what has happened to me during the past year and a half.  Since I do not want to go against the zeitgeist of my intended reforms I will attempt to keep this as concise as possible; regardless, I fear that this might be a difficult task since much has occurred over the past year and a half in my life.  Thus, I hope that the reader will grant me this one transgression as the following will attempt to hit the highlights of the last year and a half.  If by this point you still have not the slightest interest in reading forward then I would suggest that you choose something else to put your energies towards.  Ready or not here we go!

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