Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Seeing Life in a New Light: Freeing Ourselves to Live Life to the Fullest



                                The recent events of my life have once again driven me to seek answers to the unanswerable meaning of death.  Asking one to answer a difficult question such as, "What is the meaning of life," can very often have a negative impact on a psyche.  In my own life, I have found that reflections into death still offer uncomfortable answers. 


                                Since I found that the world I was raised in did not offer environments conducive for discourse on the subject of death; consequently, I feel it is my obligation to advance my proposed ideas on what such an environment might look like.  I think that an environment that promoted discourse would be one that promoted questions that did not always have easy answers. 


                                As humans we especially do not like admitting that we are ignorant of anything which carries importance to us.  I find that being honest to one's self is the first step towards creating the right environment outside of self.  When a person is in the right state of being then they can begin to make progress towards living a more fulfilling, understanding, and aware life.


                                I believe that as humans we would be wise to do a better job of talking about these types of deeper issues in our lives.  The model that I propose to use in this case would be one driven towards discovery through the odyssey of life. 


                                The odyssey of everyday life does not cause many people to stop and think about the greater unknowns.  During the course of a hard worked day we tend to forget all of the great mysteries left to be solved in our vast universe.  If we think about life as a way to experience that mystery then I feel people would be more inclined to ponder the greater questions of life.


                                This unknowing nature of life introduces the power of imagination, creativity, and discovery into our daily lives.  I love getting up each morning and realizing that I will find something new today that I possibly had not experienced yesterday.  I also love looking at all of the possibilities of each moment in the day there are.  Our mind truly cannot grasp how great all of these possibilities really are. 


                                These types of revelations have helped me to feel reinvigorated in my life.  I now feel like living each day as if it were the only day I had been given.  My greatest hope would be that other people could experience this same kind of joy that I have been fortunate enough to feel over the past few months.  Enjoy the journey!

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